1.It was also revealed that the company's CEO, Steve Jobs, has had a liver transplant two months ago.
2.I remembered Tim Wheeler and his wife in Galesburg, trying to figure out how to get their teenage son the liver transplant he needed.
3.Mr. Jobs, who has battled pancreatic cancer and had a liver transplant a year and a half ago, has taken two previous leaves of absence.
4.When he was having a liver transplant, someone that visited him said he was looking at blueprints for future Apple stores.
5.It is possible Mr. Jobs had the liver transplant to fight the spread of the cancer that began in his pancreas.
6.It has not been done very frequently; in fact there are only a few case reports of post-liver transplant bariatric surgery.
7.This did not stop investors from speculating about the health of Apple's chief executive, who recently underwent a liver transplant.
8.Jobs, who had a liver transplant during a six-month medical leave, returned to work a few days after the third quarter had ended.
9.Short of that, there are few centers in the United States that offer the possibility of liver transplant.
10.He later said he had a liver transplant during this period.